Sea Moss

The ingredients of Sea Moss have a long list of potential skin care benefits, due to its high vitamin and mineral content.

  • Maintain and Lock in Moisture

    It’s “sulfur content gives it antimicrobial properties which can assist with balancing the skin’s bioflora. This has the potential to help acne, seborrhea, and rosacea-related changes to the skin.”

  • Contains vitamins A and K, along with potassium

    These vitamins could help combat environmental stressors that affect the skin

    vitamin A has notable anti-aging effects

  • Contains Sulfur

    Sulfur is known to help reduce the excess oil that can lead to acne

    Cobb, C. (2021). Can Sea Moss Help Your Skin Harness the Healing Powers of the Ocean? Retrieved on September 26, 2023 from


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